Let’s start with things you may not know about me in no chronological order.
1.) I started riding horses at age 8. Then at age 10 I was the 10 & under state champion of CA.
2.) when I would watch little mermaid on VHS, I’d rewind the scene where she sings “part of your world” over and over again which eventually lead to the demise of that movie. I legit thought I could be a mermaid.
3.) When Zooey was born I was hooked on Days of our Lives. That’s my old soul peeking out for sure.
4.) I’ve never broken a bone. (Knock on wood)
5.) I used to be obsessed with lyrics to songs, ask my best friend lol but little does she know that habit started when my mom bought me the Selena album when I was like 8. I’d sit by the CD player and rewind it over and over until I could write the lyrics down… now I just ask google lol
6.) I got my drivers license in a suburban. Pretty proud of that.
7.) I used to cut my own hair on important holidays when I was little. Sorry, mom. I even once shaved the top of my head cause my hair was “too” thick haha my mom never let me cut my hair and I hated it.
8.) I was a cheerleader in high school. I went to tryouts in Etnies and soccer shorts haha looking back I looked emo AF.
9.) I have two Disney names: Jasmine Arielle. Pretty much explains my love for Disneyland and all things Disney.
10.) when I was little I wanted to be a meteorologist. I used to read the weather section daily to my family. Weather patterns still intrigue me.
11.) I was and still am convinced there’s a living creature under my bed.
12.) still afraid of the dark.
13.) I missed my calling to be a detective… my ability to uncover the truth is pretty impressive.
14.) my first encounter with alcohol was at 15. It included beer pong with southern comfort and fruit punch as a chaser. I didn’t touch alcohol again until I was 20 and then funny enough got pregnant with Zooey two years later and then didn’t have alcohol again until 24.
15.) I haven’t eaten cheese in over 9 years. At first by preference because it made me feel awful. Then jump forward to the year we got engaged, I was in and out of the doctors for my stomach issues. I did EVERYTHING to try and figure this out. And low and behold I found out I’m mildly allergic to dairy and soy. It causes so much inflammation in my gut.
16.) my love language is acts of service and quality time.
17.) I legitimately thought I watched Selena die inn real time in the movie when I saw it in theaters at like five years old. I was soooo sad and upset lol.
18.) my all time favorite movies are: father of the bride, my best friends wedding, steel magnolia, dirty dancing, and Pearl Harbor.
19.) I’ve only been to five states: Hawaii, Colorado, New York, California and Nevada
20.) the sound of chewing makes me cringe.
21.) I used to make mustard sandwiches when I was little and drink pickle juice from the jar
22.) I’m a homebody and love it. I really do like adventures but I’m happy once I’m there.
23.) I scare really easily. Like you could be in the same home as me and come around the corner and I will jump out of my skin scared.
24.) I hate driving in the rain. It scares me so much.
25.) I kept my last name when miguel and I got married because I’d only legally had it since I was 15 and it means so much to me. It’s why both of my kids have our last names but not hyphenated.
26.) when I was 6 or 7, I ran up to Mickey Mouse to get his signature and then it was followed by a photo with him. During this entire time, his watch got caught in my hair and he couldn’t say a WORD. There used to be a photo my parents had of it lol and I so wish I could find it. Took me over 8 years to not be afraid of Mickey Mouse.
27.) I got into a physical fight in high school. Not proud but it was something that people are always shocked to learn.
28.) I’m as sensitive as they come. I used to accept that it was a bad thing when I was younger because everyone would use it as a dig at me. But I truly think it’s what makes me able to be so empathetic with people. Wearing my heart on my sleeve has always been something I’ve loved about myself. I’m passionate about my feelings & proud of it.
29.) I’m not sorry. This sounds blunt, but I am me and I’m not sorry for it. I used to adapt into the person people wanted me to be, but I got nothing in return from those friendships. I used to make myself miserable at the expense of someone else’s happiness and it made me miserable at the end of it all.
30.) I love myself. This has taken me lots of years, lots of therapy, and lots of soul searching to realize how important loving yourself was. I recite affirmations like “you are amazing” and “you are capable” out loud to myself whenever I’m on my way to a meeting or just when I’m feeling like I’m in a funk. It’s changed me immensely and all for the better.
31.) Lastly, my biggest fear in life is losing someone I love. I never knew this to be so true until I went to the chiropractor and he did something very interesting to me that day. I’m being adjusted on the table and told him I just felt off. He proceeded to tell me he was going to ask me a series of questions and the process was going to make me emotional. He had me raise my arm and he applied pressure when he asked the series of questions. The questions ranged from being financially free to having a successful career and I was able to keep resistance to the pressure he was applying. That was until he said “you’re afraid of losing a loved one” and my arm completely fell and I tried my best to hold back the emotions but he said I needed to let them out.The exercise taught me a lot that day and I didn’t feel the true emotions to his exercise until hours later, which he said would happen. I spent the rest of that day crying at random times and feeling soooo weird. He broke me down, but in the best way.

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